This app uses a bait and switch tactic, one that Apple should be aware of. No where in the description of the app does it tell you that the lessons are locked and you need to pay $14.99 for them. If they offer the app for free they are supposed to make the purchaser aware that there are in app purchases BEFORE they download the app.
So this begs the question: if you pay $14.99 for the app at the normal price, do you STILL have to pay another $14.99 to unlock the lessons? If so, this is one of the most colossal rip-offs in the AppStore. You can learn just as much French by listening to some of the excellent FREE podcasts available in iTunes. The French is very basic and very outdated. I noticed several of the flashcard congrugations are incorrect. Its important to be able to speak French correctly or the French will look at you very strangely. The incorrect sentences this app offers are silly. They should have picked up on that especially since they are charging $14.99. Tant pis as I had high hopes for this app to use as a quick refresher before I return to France.
Buyer beware.
luna noire about Learn French (Hello-Hello)